Stop Touching Things

"Miss! you can't touch the artwork..."
"He means you, too, G-ma"

Monday, October 12, 2009

Holy Pumpkin Pie, Batman!

This ice cream tastes exactly like Pumpkin Pie!

You should go out an buy some now and eat it.  Then you can do like we did and put caramel and mini chocolate chips on it.

Or do like Kylie suggested and  make an ice cream pie/cake out of it in a graham cracker crust.  If I didn't have a 'World Famous' pumpkin pie recipe, that people wait to sample every year, I'd consider never making pumpkin pie again!

P.S. Howktown is now in possession of a camera aside from the one on her phone. Expect this blog to be pic-a fied.


  1. Wait. So, this blog is written by three sisters? Too cool. I'm blown away. Who are you guys? Love it, love it!

  2. Thanks! It was started by me, but I cajoled my sisters to join in on the fun!
