As I am sure MANY of you know, next week is a national holiday in Howktown. It will be a week long celebration with much jubilation and celebratory confetti spontaneously falling from the sky whenever I walk by. At least that's how I imagine my birthday to be.
Considering some claim that Howktown is all in my imagination, I am choosing to believe that there will be confetti. Lots of it. Multi colored and shiny. And it instantly is cleaned up when I leave.
In celebration, I am going to try and post everyday... and I am going to have a give away. I'm not going to tell you which day that is going to be, you'll have to keep reading. hehehehe. That's a little trick I learned by reading other people's blogs.
On that note, I have a list of blogs that I read that I want to share with you. I believe in the statement that you have to be a good reader to be a good writer, and I also think you should be a blog reader if you want to be a blogger.
I read a blog today that asked question "Is teaching cursive handwriting really necessary?" I thought this was an interesting question because I immediately wanted to say "Of course it is you IDIOTS!" with no really founding to why 'they' were idiots. Instead, I read through the comments and thought about it a bit. How do we communicate these days... via facebook, blogs, and twitter. Who really writes anything any more aside from post it notes?
I am loathe to put cursive to the side. I love the act of writing things out. It is like drawing to me. Of course, I was also tortured with re-writing reports until they were legible, and as a consequence, I have great handwriting. I also work in a office where people fill out forms. The young people who come in have terrible handwriting. It's shaky, ill formed, and and and ugly. I hate it. Truth be told, their printing is just as bad, but should we waste our time on teaching cursive?
I am happy to know that I have the skills for handwriting things and can teach my children the art if need be, but I am sad to see it go by the wayside, but young enough to realize this 'technology' thing we have is here to stay. So, I am embracing the art of electronic story telling in the blog as a means to feel closer to the human race. Just as you can choose your friends, you can choose the blogs you read and I choose to read ones that are overall positive, humorous, and beautiful. to look at.
We will start with the one that got me hooked into the world of the blog:
One day I was unemployeed. The next several days I was bored. I was surfing channels and started watching Star Trek: The Next Generation Marathon. Then I wondered.. What ever happened to the guy who played Wesley Crusher? I had a huge crush on Wil Wheaton when I was 14...
Here he is in all his adult glory.
Wil Wheaton's Blog
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