Stop Touching Things

"Miss! you can't touch the artwork..."
"He means you, too, G-ma"

Saturday, March 28, 2009

Ice Cream and Wine

If you watched me sometimes, you would never know that I can cook, or in fact that I love to do it.  

Yesterday I spent a good hour or so reading about how to correctly frost a cake and perusing different recipies from everthing from choclate cake to pita bread. 

For dinner tonight I had a bowl of vanilla ice cream and three glasses of wine.  I did adorn the ice cream with whatever toppings I could find in the corners of my freezer and cupboards... which didn't amount to much today. There were some choclate chips, vanilla chips, and choclate sauce. I tried for honey, but it had crystalized in the corner of the cuboard where I left it after making my famous pumpkin pies at Thanksgiving.  

What I wouldn't have given for some super chunk peanut butter to slather gluttonously upon the the ice cream, but alas we are in a nut free household these days. 

I spent a good amount of time searching for toppings for my ice cream, but I couldn't be bothered to search for an appropriate dinner. 

Any guilt I felt was assauged by the left over wine from last nights dinner... which I made for my parents. Potato and leek soup to  warm us against the resurgance of icy winds from the wintery depths. 

I do plan on redeeming myself tomorrow when I make my parents their anniversary dinner with my sister, Kylie. I have found a couple of recipes that sound delicious and can't wait to sample them. 

News from Howktown:
In case you hadn't heard from the underground, live music does not occur in Howktown unless it is from fake bands.  The house band of course is my own fake band: The Fluer De LISAs.  Stay tuned for appearences from the Holy Hells and the Damn Yous. 

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