Stop Touching Things

"Miss! you can't touch the artwork..."
"He means you, too, G-ma"

Thursday, October 8, 2009

Blog 1; Post 1

So. Hello Everyone. I am here. Blogging.

You haven't heard from me before. I would like to say that I have been too busy. "I am too busy to "blog"." I work. I have things to do. Well. that is true but not the whole story.

Getting to the point where I can blog has been quite the process. My knee jerk response is that I don't like blogging. I don't like that in order to keep up with my friends and family, that I have to "read" about them. Why can't we just get together? Why can't you call me and say, "hey, how was your day? and let me tell you about my life" It also bothers me that I can read all about the activities, interactions, and events of a person who doesn't have time or energy to interact personally with me or if does, has nothing to say.

Another roadblock to blogging is this feeling of needing to impress my readers. I am not a "writer". I am nervous about having an "audience". Do I match my writing style to the owner of the blog? Do I try to keep up with the "wittiness" of my sisters? What is the topic? Just "whatever?" I don't even journal.

Then there is the vaguely disturbing stories of people not getting jobs because of something they put on facebook or a blog. Or getting in trouble with work or loved ones. I don't want to be judged because of a misplaced picture of me drinking in Thailand or whatnot...

I also don't like being pressured to do things. "Don't tell me what to do."

So, while spending all my time focusing on my internal blathering and poutiness, a funny thing has happened. My mother knows more about my friends than I do and I have many conversations that go like this; "oh, guess what. Lin is pregnant." " I know". "Sara, how is your uncle?" "what?" "Sara, how is that one thing working out for your sister and how come you don't blog on your sisters blog".

So here I am. Joining the world. My Grandpa Howk's words to my Dad echoing in my head "Loren, you have to move with technology or you will be left behind". Oh, and , my friend from work Abby just asked "Saraaa, are you becoming a blogger?"

Why yes, Abby. I am.


  1. Nice to see you blogging! Sorry it was/is such an internal struggle to do so.

  2. Wha HOOO! This is fun! Now we have our own sisterly world in which to play together even though we live so far apart! Welcome aboard, sis!
