Stop Touching Things

"Miss! you can't touch the artwork..."
"He means you, too, G-ma"

Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Let's quick run to lunch.

According to google maps, Victoria is 5.8 miles from Chaska.
Unless I, Sara, am driving.

After a spending a lovely morning chatting, drinking spinach shakes and snacking on amazing gluten free toast smothered in real HOPE butter, we decided to go to Super Target and grab a quick lunch.

I pointed my car straight ahead or as I like to say "north" and off we went.
First I took Chaska blvd. hmmmm. I take 212. at CR 51, i think, "oh!! HWY 5". At Waconia and 5, we turn right and head straight into Victoria. bahd-a-bing.

the old scenic route. Whereas my father made it a purposeful route, I have come to think I have no choice. "Something" pulls me toward the scenic route. the unknown. the ah-ha moments. the where the %*@ am I moments. or the "act like you know where you are moments".

Highlights from this trip:
  • rolling hill
  • prolonged conversation
  • assistance getting my hair from the side by sister
  • partaking in long lost items from the glove box and talking like hicks
  • burning sage. yes it's true.
  • man talk
  • detour to Bongards creamery

I am sure I took the best way there.

Time to lunch: 1 hour Time back: 10 minutes

1 comment:

  1. Uh, Sara, you left out some words there... I think it is cool that I gave you your hair, but I don't think that is how it really happened.
